File 10 18 - Minutes of Meetings of the Undergraduate Academic Council (UAC) (2002-2003)

제목과 책임 영역 기술


Minutes of Meetings of the Undergraduate Academic Council (UAC) (2002-2003)

일반 자료 지정

  • Textual record

대등 표제

그 외 제목 정보

책임 영역 제목

본 주기(노트)

기술 계층



CA TWU 03-2-03-10 18

판 영역


판사항의 책임사항

자료의 특정한 부분

범위 사항(지도제작)

투영 사항 (지도제작상의)

좌표 사항(지도제작상의)


주제 관할과 액면가 (우표)

영역 생산 일자


물리적 기술 영역

물리적 기술

출판자 시리즈 영역

출판자 시리즈의 본 제목

출판자 시리즈의 대등 표제

출판자 시리즈의 다른 제목 정보

출판자 시리즈에 관한 책임사항

출판자의 시리즈 내에서 번호 부여

출판자 시리즈 주기

기록물 기술 영역

생산자 이름


행정 연혁

Office of Provost was originally established as Dean who served as Registrar. In 1971, the position title became "Dean of the College." Then, in 1978, the position was revised to "Dean of Academic Affairs," and soon after that - in 1979 - the position became that of a Vice President.

The Vice President, Academic, position was the senior academic leader of the University, appointed by the Board of Governors of the University, upon the recommendation of the President. The Vice President was responsible to the President for all academic affairs of the University, including representing the academic interests of the University on the President's Cabinet and Administrative Council and, when called upon by the President, to the Board of Governors; preparing and presenting proposals and reports to the President, President's Cabinet, and the Board of Governors; monitoring the quality of academic programs; chairing the Undergraduate Academic Council, the Deans' Council, the Academic Policy Development Committee, and faculty business meetings, and representing the University at the AUCC Vice President's committee and the CCCU's Chief Academic Officer's meetings. Over time, the Vice President became responsible for the recruitment, supervision, and professional development of educational leaders and faculty.

In January of 2007, the position of Provost was established to be responsible to the president and the governing board, and oversee all educational affairs and activities, including research, academic and athletic personnel. The Provost positions grew to serve as a member of both the University Finance Board and President’s Senior Leadership Team and is the chief educational program officer for the University. Increased responsibilities included oversight of strategies, planning, development, implementation and assessment of all educational policies and programs, including review of faculty appointments, tenure & promotion, student life personnel, academic research, and financial matters relating to Faculties, Schools, Student Life departments, Athletics, and regional campuses. The Provost is Chair of the Dean’s Council.

In 2008, as directive of the Provost, TWU Senate was established to develop and monitor policies, procedures, and quality standards pertaining to the academic enterprise with an overall aim of promoting educational vitality. The Senate reports to the Provost from whom the Senate receives its mandate, delegated accountability and responsibility.

In 2016, the position of Vice Provost Teaching and Learning was created to assist in the implementation of the new undergraduate core requirement.

보관 이력

범위와 내용

File consists of records including minutes; memos; course proposals


물리적 상태

수집의 직접적 출처


기록물의 언어

자료 규약

원본 소장 위치

다른 포맷의 이용가능성

접근에 대한 제한

Access restrictions apply. Permission of Office of Origin required. Please contact Archivist for additional information

이용, 재생산 및 출판 관리 용어


관련 자료

관련 자료

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대체 식별자

표준 번호 영역

표준 번호


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장소 접근점

이름 접근점

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제어 영역

기록식별자 기술

전거레코드 책임기관 식별자

규칙 혹은 표준규정

전거레코드 현지위

전거레코드 상세정도

생산 수정 삭제 일자

2017/2018 HV

기술 언어

기술 규약


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