Department of Music

식별 영역

존재의 형태(조직/기관, 개인, 가족)

Corporate body

승인된 이름 형식

Department of Music

이름 병기 형식

다른 규칙에 따른 표목의 표준형태

다른 이름 형식

조직/기관 식별자

기술 영역

존재 시기


조직사, 개인/가족이력

On April 6, 2010, the School of the Arts, Media and Culture (SAMC) was launched in Freedom Hall, in the Robert N. Thompson Building.
Prior to that, the Department of Music at Trinity Western University belonged to the Faculty of Professional Studies and Performing Arts.
Prof. Linda Schwartz, Dean (ca. 2002 - 2006)
David Squires, Interim Dean (2006 - 2007)
David Squires, Dean (2007 - )

The mission of the Faculty of Professional Studies
and Performing Arts is to produce competent and
compassionate servant leaders with thoroughly
Christian minds who will “act justly, love mercy,
and walk humbly with their God.” While graduates
from this Faculty are expected to enter many kinds
of professions and assume various positions of
leadership within society, they are also expected to
cherish the abilities which make humans unique in
God’s creation such as the capacities for speech and
written communication, artistic creativity and
performance, and the transmission of culture from
generation to generation.

Department of Music
Dr. Jon Thompson, Coordinator (Chair since ca. 2000)
The Department of Music offers a major in Music, leading to a B.A. degree, as well as a concentration and minor. Major in Music, B.A. Degree.

In addition to taking a required core of theory, history, and applied music courses, students must select one of three options:

  1. General Music prepares students for advanced
    professional training or a variety of musical
    careers such as media work, library work, and
  2. Music Education, especially when taken in
    conjunction with Education at Trinity Western
    University, helps to prepare students for careers
    in private or public school teaching.
  3. Performance prepares students for careers in
    the performing arts and/or private music
    instruction. This option is normally available
    to students whose primary instrument is piano
    or voice, who demonstrate exceptional
    potential as performers during the first two
    years, and who are recommended to the
    Department coordinator by their instructor to
    pursue this option.

Music Faculty at Trinity
According to the 1963 Pillar yearbook, the college choir and men's quartet were led by Benno and Marjorie Friesen. The Friesens served in a similar capacity in 1963/1964. The following year Donald Jenkins joined the faculty, taking primary responsibility for the school's choir and various ensembles. In 1969, Marge Friesen returned as an Instructor in Music, joining Don Jenkins, Assistant Professor of Music. Robert Snyder was added to the Music department in 1970, also as an Assistant Professor. In 1972, Mrs. Friesen's job title was changed to Lecturer in Music. It appears that while Jenkins continued to direct the school choir until ca. 1973, Snyder provided oversight for various instrumental groups, including a brass band.

In 1973 David Rushton came to Trinity, and assumed responsibility for the school choir. The 1975 yearbook lists only Rushton and Snyder as comprising the Music department. In 1976, the practice of hiring voice and instrumental instructors to teach private lessons began, with Gloria Doubleday and Frank Lacey joining the department. In 1979 Jenkins returned to Trinity, possibly to provide private music instruction to students. He left again in 1980 or 1981. Robert Snyder appears to have retired after 1980.
In 1980 Phil Jenion joined the department on a part-time basis, providing oversight to vocal ensembles. (Later he became head of Extension Ministries, reporting to Student Life.)
From 1980 to 1981, Kerry Grant served as department Chair; he left the school after serving one year.

David Squires and Wes Janzen joined Rushton in 1981 or 1982, with Squires overseeing the band program and Janzen the choral program.
In 1983 the first B.A. degress in music were granted to Trinity students.
Rushton served as department Chair for fourteen years, stepping down from that position ca. 2000.
In 1989 Jon Thompson, Trinity alumnus, joined the department as part-time Instructor in Music. He has served as department Chair since ca. 2000.
Source: University calendars, yearbooks, and interview with David Rushton (July 28, 2006)

Allan Thorpe was listed in the online faculty directory, in 2012, as Associate Professor of Music; Acting Director of Instrumental Activities; Coordinator of Private Music Lessons)

On December 5, 2013, it was announced that after 33 years, "Dr. Wes Janzen, Director of Choral Activities, has announced that he will be leaving TWU at the end of this academic year. Wes and his wife Kim are following God’s calling to full time service with Music Mission Kiev: Wes as President of Music Mission Kiev and Principal Conductor of the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, and Kim as Associate Director of Outreach Ministries."


조직/기관의 법적 지위

기능, 직업, 활동

Selective list of key events derived from April 2014 transfer of materials by Wes Janzen (list prepared by BM):

1991 TWU Chamber Choir Eastern Europe Tour
1994 (Dec. 2) TWU Choirs & Members of VSO - Handel’s “Messiah”
1996 (Nov.) TWU Choir & VSO, CBC Broadcast - “Song of Praise,” Maestro Sergiu Comissiona, Orpheum

1998 TWU Chamber Choir to Asia
(South Korea, China)
1998 TWU Choir & VSO, National Broadcast
“Vaughan Williams Sea Symphony”
Kazuyoshi Akiyama, Conductor

1999/2000 TWU Choir & VSO, “Jesus We Crown You With Praise,” Soloist Kim Janzen
“There is a God!” Soloist Crystal Hicks

2003 (Dec. 5) “Magnificat! The Joy of Christmas”

2005 (Dec. 4) TWU Choirs & Pacific Mennonite Children’s Choir & MEI Concert Choir Christmas at the Chan Centre
“What Can I Give Him?”

권한/권한의 근거

내부 조직/가계

일반 맥락

관계 영역

관련 단체

School of Arts, Media + Culture (SAMC) (2010-)

Identifier of related entity

관계 범주


관계의 종류

School of Arts, Media + Culture (SAMC)

is the associate of

Department of Music

관계 일자

관계 기술

Access points area

주제 접근점

장소 접근점


제어 영역

Authority record identifier

전거레코드 책임기관 식별자

규칙 및 협약

전거레코드 현지위

전거레코드 상세정도

생산 수정 삭제 일자

Created November 9, 2013




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