Alumni Relations



Corporate body


Alumni Relations







ca. 1974 -


MISSION & GOALS 1994/1995

In 1994/1995, "the mission of the TWU Alumni Department [was] to encourage the continuing professional and spiritual growth of alumni and to promote enthusiastic loyalty, goodwill, and financial support for the University.
The department [sought] to accomplish this mission by developing and maintaining a strong network of mutually beneficial relationships among alumni and with the university by providing various services, advancement programs, informative communication and a variety of fund raising opportunities."
Source: archival records

TWU Alumni and Parent Relations Department

That all Trinity Western alumni will have a profound allegiance to the University and will desire to contribute to its greater vision by giving their time, expertise, influence, and resources

To effectively communicate and connect with Trinity Western alumni and students in order to foster and develop their on-going, lifelong connection to the University.

Operating Philosophy:

  1. To profile the TWU Alumni Department to key constituencies.
  2. To cultivate meaningful relationships with alumni, and students
  3. To partner with other departments within the University and other organizations outside the University
  4. To serve alumni, and students so that they know they are appreciated and valued

Core Values:

  • Biblical Authority: The TWU Alumni Department recognizes and embraces all the Bible teaches in regard to faith, ethical commitments, and way of life, believing it to be the ultimate standard of truth and hope.
  • Teamwork: The TWU Alumni Department commits to developing and sustaining deep trust within its team and all alumni volunteers
  • Excellence: The TWU Alumni Department pursues utmost excellence in everything it does
  • Results: The TWU Alumni Department works towards specific and predetermined results for everything it is involved with


  1. Communicate: To develop strategies and communication tools that will relay current news and events, advance the brand of the University, and provide opportunities for input and advocacy on issues relating to alumni. Further, it is our desire to develop a worldwide network that will facilitate the exchange of ideas, opportunities, contacts, and life stories between the University, alumni, students, and all affected stakeholders.

    • Establish Downtown Business Meeting (4 times per year)
    • Seattle Dead Sea Scrolls Event 2006
    • California Chapter
    • Ottawa LLC Events (Sept – January)
    • Legacy Mexico Cruise (Sept 2006)
  2. Development: To develop and manage relationships with alumni and students that will be of benefit to the greater university community. Effective relationship management will result in high affinity and engagement of alumni in University initiatives to help sustain the operations and growth of the University.

    • Develop a group of committed givers (Alumni 100 - $ 1,000 per year).
    • Mission Fulfillment Survey (Academic’s, Enrollment, Development)
    • Executive Director to handle portfolio
  3. Marketing: It is our desire to be a positive university culture carrier by keeping and establishing traditions and honoring the University’s heritage. To see the value of the University experience and reputation continue to develop and expand.

    • Mentoring/Networking through established programs
    • Assisting in the promotion of the University through participating in enrollment endeavors (Fairs, trade-shows, church presentations)

Source: Document forwarded by Paul Perschon December 14, 2005

The TWU Alumni Vision (October 2006) is That all Trinity Western Alumni will have a profound allegiance to the University, and will desire to contribute to its greater vision by giving their time, expertise, influence, and resources - glorifying God in everything.
The Mission of this department is To engage the Alumni of Trinity Western with the University, and maintain lifelong relationship with the university and with each other, synergistically working together to put our thumbprint on the world.

The Alumni Relations Department reports to Ron Kuehl, Vice President for External Relations
Source: Brenda Evans, October 2006

One archival document refers to an early alumni organisation established by Benno Friesen. (no dates)
1974 Benno Friesen Director of Alumni Relations (and Stewardship Consultant)
1975-1976 Val Hawkins Director of Alumni Affairs
1975 Pillar yearbook lists Dan Nyberg as Director of Alumni Relations
1976 Pillar yearbook lists Dan Nyberg as Director of Alumni Relations and Public Relations
1979 Lloyd Makaroff Campus Pastor who did 1/2 time work with alumni
1980 Barrie Palfreyman also had other responsibilities
1981-1984 Don Balzer also had other responsibilities
1985 Ruth-Anne Unger Coordinator of Alumni Affairs
1985-1986 Joanne Knowlson Coordinator of Alumni Affairs
1986-1988 Darcy Reimer Coordinator of Alumin Affairs; Alumni Coordinator
1988-1989 Diane Denney Alumni Affairs Coordinator
originally reporting to Dir. of Enrollment Mgmt.; when Jim Cunningham moved to
Director of Development her reporting line moved with him
1989-1990 Dean Snider
1990 Loyal Makaroff? (although Arivd Olson is referred to as Alumni Director in one incoming letter)
1992-1993 Loyal Makaroff Director of Alumni Affairs
1994-1996 Peter Van Giesen Director of Alumni Relations
1998-2001 Neal Diamond (August 1998 to October 2001)
2001-2003 Brenda Evans Coordinator of Alumni Relations (continuing, since 1994 - in absence of a departmental Director, also served informally as acting director)
2003 - 2005 Paul Perschon Executive Director of Alumni Relations (until January 2006)
2006- 2010 David Swan Director of Alumni Relations (from May 2006)
2010 Jocelyn Durston, Coordinator of the TWU IMPACT Program, took on the position of interim Director in November, following Dave Swan's departure
2011 -2016 Scott Campbell ('99) Vice President, Alumni and Executive Director of the TWU Alumni Association (as of October)
2016- Brady Schlecker ('10) Executive Director, Alumni Association, Alumni

1989-1991 Brian Ratzliff first elected president of A.A. - October 1989
1993-1994 Bruce Beck
1995-1997 Steven Friebel
2000- ? Andy Kemp
ca 2010- Aaron Fedora

The Alumni Relations Department understands the importance of connecting both alumni and students to each other and to the Department. A strong focus on profiling the Department to students is seen as vital to connecting with them when they become alumni. The Student Alumni Network (SAN), which consists of five student leaders whose primary focus is to run profile events, has been developed to address this issue. The SAN works closely with the ARD to put on events like Homecoming, Powderpuff Football, the Midnight Breakfast, and the Grad Banquet among others. As well, the ARD has been working with Global Learning Connections to develop the TWU Online Community that has just recently been launched on the 12th of this month ( This allows alumni to stay better connected with each other in a unique community. (accessed December 10, 2005)

Email announcement June 2, 2006 - Parents Program moves from Alumni Relations to the Office of the Dean of Students in Student Life.

In 2014 Scott Campbell was listed as the VP of Alumni & Community Engagement.
An August 20, 2014 intercomm announcement stated that: The Office of Community Engagement (OCE) is a new office at TWU that encompasses Alumni, Annual Giving, Church Relations, Data Services, University Events, and Corporate and Community Partners.

I am writing today to let you know that Scott Campbell, the TWU Alumni Association’s Executive Director and Vice President, Alumni & Community Engagement, has been offered a challenging new role with an Abbotsford-based Christian charity. He ... will be leaving TWU at the end of January.
Scott served as the first Executive Director of the new, independent, TWU Alumni Association, and is also the first alumnus to serve as a Vice President of Alumni ... we anticipate the Alumni & Community Engagement (ACE) team will continue to provide the leadership and support required to serve the other existing constituencies and initiatives (parents, fundraising, churches and events).
Source: email from President's Office, January 4, 2016

In March 2016 the Alumni and Community Engagement (ACE) department was renamed the Alumni Office.
Source: email from Aaron Fedora, President, TWU Alumni Association

Kelly Oh joined the Alumni Office in January, 2017, to serve as new Senior Coordinator, Events & Operations.
Source: email update from the Alumni Office



功能, 职业和活动



We have also determined that it would be advantageous to group many parts of the day-to-day externally-facing functions (Enrollment Management, UCOMM, Alumni, Development, and Corporate Partnerships) into a single team. This involves the establishment of “functional” teams (as opposed to “structural” ones) to provide leadership and coordination within key areas of the University’s external relations. Teams responsible for Fundraising, Church Relations, and Government Relations have or are in the process of being formed. I will head the Fundraising team and Scott Campbell will head the Church Relations team, with leadership of the Government Relations team to be determined shortly.
Scott Campbell, Vice President, Alumni, has assumed responsibility for an expanded group of alumni-related responsibilities, including alumni fundraising, management of constituent information, university events, and a limited number of ‘marketing campaigns,’ those most associated with events such as Christmas in the City, Alumni Weekend, and the Vancouver Golf Tournament. You will now find Mike Sambrook, Director of Development, Sandee Jerome, Events Manager, and Elsina Moes, Data Services Coordinator, in Scott’s new group. Even though Scott is part of Derek’s leadership team, he still maintains a direct reporting line to the President. Scott’s expanded group works as the “Office of Community Engagement.”
Source: email from the President's Office, July 18, 2013

In June 2013, the University established the Office of Community Engagement (OCE). Today, we have taken another step towards establishing a team that is key to our University successfully delivering on the New Era Business Plan.
Effective immediately, the Office of Community Engagement, which previously included the Alumni Association, Annual Giving, Church Relations, University Events and Corporate Partners, will now also include Parent Engagement, Major Gifts, and Investments and Stewardship. With this transition, all of the areas tasked with engaging our much valued and essential external constituents come together under the responsibility of one office. Scott Campbell, Vice President, Alumni & Community Engagement will continue to lead this expanded team.
Source: email from the President's Office, April 28, 2015








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创建, 修改以及删除日期

October 31, 2013





