Pudlas, Ken



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Pudlas, Ken

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Pudlas, Ken

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Pudlas, Ken

8 Archivische Beschreibung results for Pudlas, Ken

8 Ergebnisse mit direktem Bezug Engere Begriffe ausschließen

Richard Paulton; Sara Pearson; Barbara Pell; Dorothy Peters; Ken Pudlas; Sheryl Reimer Kirkham

File consists of the following publications:
Richard J. L. Paulton. "Laboratory Microbiology on DVD: Staining Techniques and Microscopy." Includes Studies and Videos, 1.90 GB. 2008. [laboratory manual CD-ROM]
Sara Pearson. "The Miller's Tale Review." ca. 2008. [article]
Sara Pearson. "Constructing Masculine Narrative: Charlotte Brontë's The Professor." ca. 2008. [article]
Barbara Pell. "Bridging Communities: The Liminal Role of the Christian Scholar Response Paper." 2007. [article]
Barbara Pell. "Suffering and the Sacred: Hugh Hood's The New Age / Le nouveau sieclè." ca. 2007. [article]
Dorothy Peters. "The Primacy and the Shunning of a Priestly Noah in the Commentary on Genesis and the Damascus Document at Qumran." ca. 2007. [article]
Dorothy Peters. "Noah Traditions in Jubilees: Evidence for the Struggle between Enochic and Mosaic Authority." July 2007. [conference paper]
Dorothy Peters. "The Recombination and Evolution of Noah Traditions as Found in the Genesis Apocryphon and Jubilees: The DNA of Fraternal Twins." July 2007. [conference paper]
Dorothy Peters. "Noah Traditions Within the Cultural Mosaic at Qumran: Bilingual Conversations and Controversies." October 2007. [conference paper]
Dorothy Peters. "Prototypical 'Noahs' in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Tensions between Enochic and Mosaic Sources of Revelation." March 2007. [conference paper]
Ken Pudlas. "Head and heard and hands: Necessary elements of inclusive praxis," Journal of the International Christian Community for Teacher Education. 2007. [article]
Sheryl Reimer Kirkham. "Taking up postcolonial feminism in the field: Working through a Method," Women's Studies International Forum. May 2007. [article]
Sheryl Reimer Kirkham. "Transition Hospital and Home: Translating Knowledge into Action," Canadian Nurse. October 2007. [article]
Sheryl Reimer Kirkham. "Continuing the dialogue: postcolonial feminist scholarship and Bourdieu - discourses of culture and points of connection," Nursing Inquiry. May 2007. [article]

Ken Pudlas; Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham; Michael Wilkinson

File consists of the following publications:

Kenneth A. Pudlas. “Leading Teachers in Professional Development for Inclusion.” 2010. [book chapter]
Kenneth A. Pudlas. “The heart of teaching is the heart of the teacher: Transform our hearts.” ca. 2010. [presentation including PowerPoint]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. “Adding Religion to Gender, Race, and Class: Seeking New Insights on Intersectionality in Healthcare Contexts.” ca. 2009. [article]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. “Inequities in Health and Healthcare Viewed Through the Ethical Lens of Critical Social Justice,” Advances in Nursing Science. 2009. [article]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. “Struggling to Survive: The Difficult Reality of Aboriginal Women Living With HIV/AIDS,” Qualitative Health Research. 2009. [article]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. “Particularizing spirituality in points of tension: enriching the discourse,” Nursing Inquiry. 2009. [article]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. “Situated clinical encounters in the negotiation of religious and spiritual plurality: A critical enthography,” International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2009. [article]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. “Practicing the Awareness of Embodiment in Qualitative Health Research: Methodological Reflections,” Qualitative Health Research. 2009. [article]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. “Innovation in Community Clinical Placements: A Canadian Survey,” International Journal of Nursing. 2009. [article]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. “Critical inquiry and knowledge translation: exploring compatibilities and tensions,” Nursing Philosophy. 2009. [article]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. “Cultural safety and the challenges of translating critically oriented knowledge in practice,” Nursing Philosophy. 2009. [article]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. “Uptake of Critical Knowledge in Nursing Practice: Lessons Learned from a Knowledge by Translation Study,” Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 2010. [article]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. “Community research from a postcolonial feminist perspective: Exemplars from health research in Canada and India.” ca. 2010. [book chapter]
Michael Wilkinson. Global Pentecostal Movements: Migration, Mission, and Public Religion. 2012. [book]
Michael Wilkinson. “Apology and Forgiveness as an Expression of Love in a Charismatic Congregation,” PentecoStudies. 2012. [article]

President Raymond with TWU and ACTS faculty during Faculty Retreat

Photograph of Jonathan Raymond (front row, second from right) with a number of faculty, posing at the top of a hill near Cedar Springs Christian Retreat Center; those pictured are Arnie Friesen, Ken Pudlas, Ted Goshulak, Terry Neufeldt, Jack Van Dyke, David Jordan, Harold Faw, Gordon Nickel, David Clements, Brian Rapske, Wendell Phillips, and Rick Sawatzky.

Kim Franklin and Ken Pudlas

Photograph of Dean Kim Franklin with Education professor Ken Pudlas. The BC Ministry of Advanced Education had just approved TWU's application to offer a new Master’s degree. The Master of Arts in Educational Studies – Special Education was set to launch in July 2014

Twenty-five year service awards

Photograph of three recipients of 25-year service awards. Pictured are Phyllis Randall, Ken Pudlas, and Paul Chamberlain, with President Bob Kuhn and Provost Bob Wood