Peters, Dorothy



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Peters, Dorothy

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Peters, Dorothy

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Peters, Dorothy

7 Descripción archivística resultados para Peters, Dorothy

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Richard Paulton; Sara Pearson; Barbara Pell; Dorothy Peters; Ken Pudlas; Sheryl Reimer Kirkham

File consists of the following publications:
Richard J. L. Paulton. "Laboratory Microbiology on DVD: Staining Techniques and Microscopy." Includes Studies and Videos, 1.90 GB. 2008. [laboratory manual CD-ROM]
Sara Pearson. "The Miller's Tale Review." ca. 2008. [article]
Sara Pearson. "Constructing Masculine Narrative: Charlotte Brontë's The Professor." ca. 2008. [article]
Barbara Pell. "Bridging Communities: The Liminal Role of the Christian Scholar Response Paper." 2007. [article]
Barbara Pell. "Suffering and the Sacred: Hugh Hood's The New Age / Le nouveau sieclè." ca. 2007. [article]
Dorothy Peters. "The Primacy and the Shunning of a Priestly Noah in the Commentary on Genesis and the Damascus Document at Qumran." ca. 2007. [article]
Dorothy Peters. "Noah Traditions in Jubilees: Evidence for the Struggle between Enochic and Mosaic Authority." July 2007. [conference paper]
Dorothy Peters. "The Recombination and Evolution of Noah Traditions as Found in the Genesis Apocryphon and Jubilees: The DNA of Fraternal Twins." July 2007. [conference paper]
Dorothy Peters. "Noah Traditions Within the Cultural Mosaic at Qumran: Bilingual Conversations and Controversies." October 2007. [conference paper]
Dorothy Peters. "Prototypical 'Noahs' in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Tensions between Enochic and Mosaic Sources of Revelation." March 2007. [conference paper]
Ken Pudlas. "Head and heard and hands: Necessary elements of inclusive praxis," Journal of the International Christian Community for Teacher Education. 2007. [article]
Sheryl Reimer Kirkham. "Taking up postcolonial feminism in the field: Working through a Method," Women's Studies International Forum. May 2007. [article]
Sheryl Reimer Kirkham. "Transition Hospital and Home: Translating Knowledge into Action," Canadian Nurse. October 2007. [article]
Sheryl Reimer Kirkham. "Continuing the dialogue: postcolonial feminist scholarship and Bourdieu - discourses of culture and points of connection," Nursing Inquiry. May 2007. [article]

Don Ariel; Bart Begalka; Michael Bodner; Robert Doede; Janet Epp Buckingham; Amanda Flint; Erica Grimm; Sonya Grypma; Ka Yin Leung; Dorothy Peters; Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham

File consists of the following publications:

P. Donald Ariel. "Extended Homotopy Perturbation Method and the Flow past a Nonlinearly Stretching Sheet," Nonlinear Science. 2011. [article]
P. Donald Ariel. "Homotopy Perturbation Method and the Stagnation Point Flow," Applications and Applied Mathematics. 2011. [article]
Bart Begalka. "Hybridized Strategies for Professional Education in Psychotherapy: Indonesia, Canada, and Competency Based Curriculum Development." August 2010. [conference paper]
Bart Begalka. "Intersectional forms of Professional Identity for Counselling Psychology in Canada: Justice-based Professional Advocacy." 2011. [PowerPoint presentation]
Michael E. Bodner. "Smoking Cessation and Counseling: Knowledge and Views of Canadian Physical Therapists," Physical Therapy Journal. July 2011. [article]
Robert Doede. "Technologies and Species Transitions: Polanyi, on a Path to Posthumanity?" Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society. 2011. [article]
Janet Epp Buckingham. "Discrimination on the Basis of 'Creed' Under the Ontario Human Rights Code," Canadian Diversity. 2012. [article]
Amanda Flint. "Challenges Facing International Post-Secondary Students Aspiring to become Chartered Accountants in British Columbia, Canada," The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations. 2010. [article]
Erica Grimm. "Matter and Spirit: Creation and Incarnation." ca. 2010. [article]
Sonya Grypma. "When We Were (almost) Chinese,"Histoire sociale / Social History. November 2010. [article]
Sonya Grypma. "What Ever Happened to Missionary Nursing?" Canadian Nurse. 2010. [article]
Sonya Grypma. "On the Same Team," Canadian Nurse. 2010. [article]
Sonya Grypma. "Revis(it)ing Nursing History," Canadian Nurse. 2010. [article]
Ka Yin Leung. "Type VI secretion regulation," Current Opinion in Microbiology. 2011. [article]
Dorothy M. Peters. "The Recombination and Evolution of Noah Traditions." 2010. [book chapter]
Dorothy M. Peters. "In Whose Hand the Sword?" November 2010. [conference paper]
Dorothy M. Peters. " Hospitality and Violence Towards the 'Outsider'." August 2010. [conference paper]
Dorothy M. Peters. "The Inside Story on the Enemy Outsider." August 2010. [conference paper]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. "Hospitable Hospitals in a Diverse Society," Journal of Religious Health. 2010. [article]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. "The Advocate-Analyst Dialectic in a Critical and Postcolonial Feminist Research," Advances in Nursing Science. 2010. [article]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. "Community Research from a Post-Colonial Feminist Perspective." 2010. [book chapter - draft]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. "Ethical Spaces: Research in Home Health Settings." 2010. [PowerPoint presentation and conference paper]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. "Problematizing Social Justice." ca. 2010. [book chapter]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. "Insectionality: Religion as more than 'etc.'" January 2011. [conference paper]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. "Considering the Contributions of Critical Methods." 2009. [conference paper]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. "Professional Roles in Spiritual Caregiving." March 2009. [conference paper]

Allyson Jule; Derrick Klaassen; Janelle Kwee; Sara Pearson; Dorothy Peters; Rick Sawatzky; Arnold Sikkema; Andrea Soberg

File consists of the following publications:

Allyson Jule. “Gender Theory.” ca. 2012. [article]
Allyson Jule. “Are We Doomed? Why Christian Colleges and Universities Must Lead on the Issue of Gender Equity and Why They Don’t.” 2012. [book chapter]
Allyson Jule. “Princesses in the Classroom: Young Children Learning to be Human in a Gendered World,” Canadian Children. November 2011. [article]
Derrick Klaassen. “Das Geistliche Leben Trauernder Eltern,” Existenzanalyse. 2011.
Janelle Kwee. “The Adult Survivor: What Healing Is and Is Not.” 2011. [book chapter]
Sara Pearson. “‘The Coming Man’: Revelations of Male Character in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre.” August 2011. [conference paper]
Dorothy M. Peters. “The Scrolls and the Scriptures on the Margins: Remembered in Canons or Forgotten in Caves.” 2011. [book chapter]
Dorothy M. Peters. “Noah Traditions within the Cultural Mosaic at Qumran: Multilingual Conversations and Controversies.” 2011. [book chapter]
Dorothy M. Peters. “‘In Whose Hand the Sword’? Divine and Human Initiatives in the Dead Sea Scrolls.” November 2011. [conference paper]
Richard G. Sawatzky. “A computer-assisted approach to filtering large numbers of documents for media analyses,” International Journal of Social Research Methodology. January 2012. [article]
Richard G. Sawatzky. “Stress and Depression in Students: The Mediating Role of Stress Management Self-efficacy,” Nursing Research. 2012. [article]
Richard G. Sawatzky. “Latent variable mixture models: a promising approach for the validation of patient reported outcomes,” Quality of Life Research. August 2011. [article]
Richard G. Sawatsky. “Sacred spaces in public places: religious and spiritual plurality in health care,” Nursing Inquiry. 2011. [article]
Arnold E. Sikkema. “Nuancing the place and purpose of the physical aspect in biology and emergence,” International Journal of Multi Aspectual Practice. May 2011. [article]
Arnold E. Sikkema. “Responses to and Remarks on van der Meer and Stafleu on Physics, Biology, and Emergence.” August 2011. [conference paper]
Arnold E. Sikkema. “Christian Engineering Education in Canada.” 2011. [article]
Andrea Soberg. “Understanding the Real Imbalance When Conducting Human Resource Planning,” European Journal of Management. 2011. [article]
Andrea Soberg. “Teambuilding and Teamwork: Creating an Effective Work Environment.” ca. 2011. [workshop]

Sonya Grypma; Angela Konrad; Carolyn Kristjánsson; Joel Lohr; Dorothy Peters; Sheryl Reimer Kirkham

File consists of the following publications:

Sonya Grypma. “Spritual Health.” 2010. [book chapter – adaptation]
Sonya Grypma. “Critical Issues in the Use of Biographic Methods in Nursing History.” ca. 2010. [book chapter]
Sonya Grypma. “Using Alternative Media to Disseminate Historical Research: A Two-Part Documentary Case Study.” May 2008. [conference paper]
Sonya Grypma. “Behind the Scenes in China: Using film to disseminate historical research.” ca. 2008. [PowerPoint presentation]
Angela Konrad. “My Philosophy of Teaching (The Transformational Power of Theatre).” ca. 2009. [article]
Carolyn Kristjánsson. “Afterword: The Dilemma.” 2009. [book chapter]
Joel N. Lohr. “Righteous Abel, Wicked Cain: Genesis 4:1-16 in the Masoretic Text, the Septuagint, and the New Testament,” Catholic Biblical Quarterly. July 2009. [article]
Joel N. Lohr. “So YHWH established a sign for Cain: Rethinking Genesis 4, 15,” Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. March 2009. [article]
Sara Pearson. “Religion, Gender and Authority in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre.” February 2009. [presentation]
Sara Pearson. “Religion, Gender, and Authority in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, Or, Why Women are Mad about Rochester.” ca. 2009. [PowerPoint presentation]
Dorothy M. Peters. “‘Once Again You Shall See with Difference Between the Righteous and the Wicked’: A Proposed Reunification of 4QCommentary on Malachi and 4QCommentary on Genesis B.” November 2008. [conference paper]
Sheryl Reimer Kirkham. “Keeping the Vision: Sustaining Social Consciousness with Nursing Students following International Learning Experiences,” International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship. 2008. [article]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. “Conceptualizing spirituality and religion for healthcare,” Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2008. [article]
Sheryl Reimer Kirkham. “Pursing Common Agendas: A Collaborative Model for Knowledge Translation between Research and Practice in Clinical Settings,” Research in Nursing and Health. 2008. [article]
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. “Sikhism as Lived Religion: Implications for Nursing Ethics,” Nursing Ethics. July 2009. [article]

Launch of the Anabaptist-Mennonite Centre for Faith and Learning

Photograph of representatives of the Mennonite Faith and Learning Society (MFLS) and TWU gathered together for the October 24 launch of the A-MCFL. Those pictured include Bob Wood, Dorothy Peters, Wayne Bremner, Eve Stringham, Robert Martens, Bob Kuhn, and Myron Penner

Dead Sea Scrolls Symposium

Photograph of speakers and delegates at the DSS Symposium. Those pictured include Dorothy Peters, Marty Abegg, Emanuel Tov, Peter Flint, and Andrew Perrin. (unidentified)