Order of Canada



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Order of Canada

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Order of Canada

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Order of Canada

2 Archivische Beschreibung results for Order of Canada

2 Ergebnisse mit direktem Bezug Engere Begriffe ausschließen

OttawaWatch 109: Wilberforce and friends.

Article synopsis: Discusses briefly two Order of Canada appointments, Norgrove Penny, a Victoria medical doctor, and the late Harry Lehotsky, a Baptist pastor. In addition, the article addresses the Amazing Grace fim that highlighted the life of William Wiberforce a British abolitionist. Lastly, the article reflected on Prime Minister Stephen Harper's speech at the opening of a Health Partners International medical aid distribution centre in Mississauga, Ontario.

OttawaWatch 180: Other names on the list.

Article synopsis: Discusses people named to the Order of Canada and REAL Women, a Catholic-oriented social conservative advocacy group, press release that called out the Order as a political tool to promote the left-wing agenda.