Liberal Party







Liberal Party


Liberal Party


Liberal Party

5 Archival description results for Liberal Party

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OttawaWatch 326: Finishing well.

Article synopsis: Discusses Members of Parliament concerns in party representation in central Canadian urban ridings. The article also speaks about Irwin Colter, former Liberal minister in the Paul Martin Liberal government, who may re-enter politics.

OttawaWatch 208: Grey and Gibson.

Article synopsis: Discusses the Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff’s new “coalition” with the Conservative Party. In addition, the article talks about the annual Mel Smith Lecture held at Trinity Western University where Deb Grey, a Reform/Canadian Alliance Member of Parliament spoke on "Power, Parliament and Preston Manning". The article also briefly discusses the upcoming Manning Networking Conference in March.

OttawaWatch 213: Courting evangelicals.

Article synopsis: Provides a historical context and summary of blog post about Liberal MP John McKay who was designated by Liberal Party leader to assist in reaching out to evangelical Christians. The article also talks about Liberal Senator David Smith ties to the Christian evangelical community.