Fosmark, Carl



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Fosmark, Carl

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Fosmark, Carl

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Fosmark, Carl

4 Descripción archivística resultados para Fosmark, Carl

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Framed picture of Carl Fosmark

Photograph of a framed picture and plaque hanging on a wall in the Fosmark Centre - the subject of the picture is Carl Fosmark, for whom the Centre was named

Carl Fosmark

Photograph of a close-up shot of visionary Carl Fosmark holding a Bible in his right hand

Framed picture of Carl Fosmark

Photograph of a framed picture hanging on a wall in the Fosmark Centre - the subject of the picture is Carl Fosmark, for whom the Centre was named

Fosmark Centre Plaque

Photograph of a metal plaque created for the grand opening of the Fosmark Centre; text on plaque reads as follows:


Dedicated to the glory of God on July 29,
Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Three

The Fosmark Centre, dedicated by the Evangelical Free Church of Canada and Trinity Western University, honors two brothers, Carl and Lee Fosmark and their families.

Carl, a charter member of the Enchant Free Church, became a pastor in the work and later, with his wife Bertha, gave significant leadership to the Free Church in Canada, becoming its first superintendent.

Lee, with compassion for souls, an optimistic spirit and an ability to evangelize, with his wife Hattie, gave their lives to the local church and to church planting.

Both families modelled commitment to God and His Word, active evangelism and church planting and have inspired and encouraged those who have followed them

"Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith." Hebrews 13:7

The plaque was originally located in the Fosmark Building.