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31 Archivische Beschreibung results for Faith

31 Ergebnisse mit direktem Bezug Engere Begriffe ausschließen

OttawaWatch 85: Two seas or three?

Article synopsis: Discusses Canadian politicians who use Psalm 72 as their guide to nation-building for what they ses a spiritual revival and renewal to Canada.

OttawaWatch 90: As others see us.

Article synopsis: Discusses and contextualizes articles in Canadian publications that focus on on evangelical and other conservative Christians who are politically active.

OttawaWatch 141: Wayne Northey's crucible.

Article synopsis: Discusses Wayne Northey's book Chrysalis Crucible and his contribution to M2-W2, the Christian agency committed to linking people of faith to prison inmates and biblical restorative justice.

OttawaWatch 146: Details in a global context.

Article synopsis: Reflects on a special report in The Econonist from November 2007 that speaks to faith and politics, and the author draws attention to three major global religious forces out of Korea, Nigeria and India.

OttawaWatch 149: The case for careful conversation.

Article synopsis: Discusses whether it is possible for a Christian politician who had been a Christian business person to be misunderstood, precisely because they were trying to keep promises based on Ottawa Mayor Larry O'Brien allegation of trying to induce a rival to quit in a mayoralty race.

OttawaWatch 209: New turns in Casey, Cadman sagas.

Article synopsis: Discusses the roles of deification and demonization in Canada’s faith/political interface through examining the Bill Casey (independent MP for Cumberland-Colchester-Musquodoboit) and Chuck Cadman (former Surrey North MP) stories.

OttawaWatch 313: Understanding the times.

Article synopsis: Discusses Don Bastian, book editor and a Free Methodist lay leader, co-authored opinion piece that attered in the National Post concerning the interface between faith and politics, written on September 11, 2001. The article also acknowledges the tenth anniversary of 9/11.

OttawaWatch 84: Authority, anointing in perspective.

Article synopsis: The piece attempts to delineate the factors that make faith-based communication different in political institutions, as compared to religious groups through examining the visit of Larry Spencer a Southern Baptist pastor book tour in Ottawa.

OttawaWatch 106: Gun shy politicos? Just asking.

Article synopsis: Discusses Agriculture Minister Chuck Strahl and the other, Darrel Reid, former chief of staff for the environment-cum-intergovernmental minister stances on their faith in political life.

OttawaWatch 124: Ron Dart parks his bicycle.

Article synopsis: Discusses religion-political ideology through an interaction with political science scholar, Ron Dart and his response to the editor to BC Christian News that suggested some of Christian proposals for outreach at the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games were right winged. The article further discusses the religion-political ideology with Stephen Harper's attempts to enunciate his government

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