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11 Archivische Beschreibung results for Education

11 Ergebnisse mit direktem Bezug Engere Begriffe ausschließen

Harro Van Brummelen with Glenn Vos

Photograph of Dr. Harro Van Brummelen, TWU Education professor, shaking hands with Glenn Vos, Chair of the Board of Directors of Christian Schools International. July 28, 1995.

OttawaWatch 97: University politics -- and faith.

Article synopsis: Discusses the 2006 Maclean's magazine university ratings that coincided with Carleton University's president David Atkinson's sudden resignation. The article further speaks to the how Protestant universities are left out of Maclean's surveys, and ends in comparing Trinity Western University against St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia.

Joy McCullough

Photograph of Education faculty member Joy McCullough; a close-up

Donna Lindquist

Photograph of Education student Donna Lindquist, who allowed her name to stand during the BCCT/TWU Legal Challenge court case; she is sitting at a desk, next to a young girl who is also smiling at the camera

OttawaWatch 138: About faith-based schools.

Article synopsis: Reflects on former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney’s Memoirs and how his faith was shaped attending St. Thomas College and St. Francis Xavier University (St. FX). The author further speaks how Moses Coady, a priest that founded St. FX's Coady International Institute, influenced Mulroney. The article ends with a discussion of Ontario provincial politics where John Tory promised to lessen public funding to secular and Catholic "public" schools, but to extend to other faith-based elementary and secondary institutions including those from the Protestant, Muslim, Jewish, and Sikh communities.

OttawaWatch 19: Tale of the two Ts.

Article synopsis: Assessed the leadership of two Canadian evangelically-tied Christian institutions of higher education in developing their students to become proficient in addressing public policy issues. The two were Tyndale University College and Seminary (today known as Tyndale University) and Trinity Western University.

OttawaWatch 261: Tyndale's new president.

Article synopsis: Discusses the choice of Gary Vincent Nelson as the next president of Tyndale University College and Seminary and gives background to Nelson.

OttawaWatch 296: From hither to yon.

Article synopsis: Discusses multiple topics including a new report released by CARE Canada entitled Looking for Leadership: Women's empowerment and Canada's new role in Afghanistan; the report from the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), entitled Foundations for Education, and whether Christian universities were mentioned as project sites under the KIP program; and lastly, the press conference that involved two organizations the Canadian Family Action Coalition and the Institute for Canadian Values that called for 15-year mandatory minimum sentencing for child sex abusers.

OttawaWatch 328: Back to school.

Article synopsis: Author shares their holiday plans of attending Tyndale University College and Seminary for a week of learning. The author also shares that they will be pursuing a Doctorate in Ministry and lists a few thesis ideas centring around faith and politics.

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