Sod Turnings



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Hierarchische Begriffe

Sod Turnings

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Sod Turnings

Verbundene Begriffe

Sod Turnings

50 Archivische Beschreibung results for Sod Turnings

50 Ergebnisse mit direktem Bezug Engere Begriffe ausschließen

Ground-breaking ceremony for the new library

Photograph of Library Director David Twiest and faculty member Harold Harder turning a spadeful of dirt at the ground-breaking ceremony for the new library during the spring of 1988

Sod turning for TJC

Photograph of a portion of the crowd attending the ground breaking ceremony for Trinity Junior College

Harold Halleen at the first sod turning

“October 8, 1961, was an historic day at Langley. B.C., Canada, when Ev. Free Church leaders turned sod for the new Trinity Junior College to open in autumn, 1962.”
Source: Front cover of the Evangelical Beacon, November 21, 1961

Pictured: Harold P. Halleen, Moderator and Vice President, EFCA; in background, Reverend Dave Enarson, Superintendent, Canadian Pacific and Pacific Northwest Districts

Ground-breaking for Fraser Hall

Photograph of a ground-breadking ceremony. From the Spring 1978 (vol. 2 no. 2) issue of Trinity Western World: February 17, 1978 we broke ground for a three-storey, 68-unit student residence complex which will be located adjacent to the present three apartment blocks. This is a self-amortizing project and is being built at cost by Christian contractors. The units will replace the "temporary" dorms which were to last 5 years but are now going into their 17th year! The first phase of this complex will be completed during the 78-79 academic year. L to R: Mark Maxwell, student body president; Mr. Ray Nelson, member, President's Advisory Council; Dr. Neil Snider; Dr. Robert Thompson; Rev. Ken Lawrence, Chairman, Board of Governors. (p. 3)

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